

This polemical masterpiece, which was banned in the United States until 1934 due to its "pornographic" content, transforms into an experimental epic one day in the nation's capital. The psychological book by James Joyce brilliantly recreates sights, sounds, scents, and voices. Sometime around June 1904, within a building based on Homer's Odyssey. The novel is loaded with fascinating parodies and is famous for the stream-of-consciousness approach that ushered in modernist literature, puns, and riddles The lengthy shadow he throws over subsequent novels implies that English writing since 1922 has been a collection of footnotes to Joyce's masterwork. Few first editions elicit as much interest from collectors as Ulysses. Several students have reinterpreted the available drafts to give updated texts after the novel's premiere; nonetheless, this version remains the one that James Joyce himself altered and corrected before the novel's original publication. As a result, this volume is the most committed to the author's vision.

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