Experiential marketing : secrets, strategies, and success stories from the world's greatest brands


Wiley's business involves the worldwide publication of the most comprehensive, researched, documented, and comprehensive experiential promoting program ever written. Customers' taking control of what, when, why, and how they obtain products and services forces businesses to adopt and implement a replacement marketing mix fueled by a simpler discipline: experience.

Experiential marketing, the employment of live and face-to-face engagements to have interaction with audiences, build relationships, and foster brand affinity, has become the world's fastest-growing type of marketing because the same firms that sell their brands engineered on Madison Avenue—including Coca-Cola, Nike, Microsoft, Yankee Express, and others—are getting into the next chapter of marketing as experiential brands. Through many case studies, exclusive research, and interviews with over a hundred and fifty international brands over a decade, experiential marketing specialists Kerry Smith and Dan Hanover give the most comprehensive book ever written on how organizations use experiences to anchor reinventions in marketing mixes.

The authors offer new access to the particular experiential ways and models utilized by the world's most powerful individuals, several of whom use experiential marketing to attain their greatest client reach, sales growth, and marketing ROI. ne'er seen You may learn: The history and fundamentals of experiential marketing However, leading brands have redesigned marketing mixes as experiential portfolios The anatomy of a brand experience How to live the impact of experiential marketing; how to mix digital and social media in an experiential strategy The Experiential Marketing Vocabulary is a way to begin the shift to experiential marketing.

Experiential marketing is an action-packed pronunciamento that every CMO, CMO, agency executive, educator, and stigmatisation expert can use as a standard guide in the future. Decide the best way to increase your reach and expand your client base.

However, the most effective brands produce personal connections with customers. Get more details on how to implement a replacement and simpler marketing strategy. and avoid the end of ancient mass media advertising. Businesses have to be compelled to reinvent the way they market in today's consumer-centric economy, and Smith and Metropolis offer an informative, engaging, and perceptive roadmap to guide brands on the trail to success.

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